Life in the wrong lane
how the hell did i get here
Published on April 13, 2004 By ChrisL3000 In Sex & Romance
Hey guys,

Here I am again. Worked all weekend to make sure I had enough money for the car payment. But as life would have it, my dog needed to see the vet. Bing bam boom...and $300 dollars later, dog better - car not paid. I just picked up a few shifts at work, I am now working Wed, Fri, Sat, and Sun. Wed and sun are not as busy as I would like, but still more money than just two nights. I was working at Joi internet, what a mistake that was. I have never worked so many hours for such little money. But, needless to say, I do not work there anymore. Gave it all up for the leather bar. What a life, I am 37, still working as a bartender, no hope of a future, no plans. Just watching life pass me by. I have to say, I am really in a good mood, will feel better once the car is paid, but doing fine.

on Apr 13, 2004
Good to hear your dog's doing if you could just get the rest of your life to fall in line, right?

That kind of thing always happens to me too...I manage to be minimalistic and save some dough, then something always breaks down, blows up, falls apart..and there go the savings.

Gay leather bar, huh? I can honestly say that in my wide and varied travels through life I have never been in one. Sounds interesting, though.
on Apr 13, 2004
"I am 37, still working as a bartender, no hope of a future, no plans. Just watching life pass me by. "

So what are you going to do to change that? MAKE some plans, improve your future, and LIVE your life.....