how the hell did i get here
Hey guys,
Here I am again. Worked all weekend to make sure I had enough money for the car payment. But as life would have it, my dog needed to see the vet. Bing bam boom...and $300 dollars later, dog better - car not paid. I just picked up a few shifts at work, I am now working Wed, Fri, Sat, and Sun. Wed and sun are not as busy as I would like, but still more money than just two nights. I was working at Joi internet, what a mistake that was. I have never worked so many hours for such little money. But, needless to say, I do not work there anymore. Gave it all up for the leather bar. What a life, I am 37, still working as a bartender, no hope of a future, no plans. Just watching life pass me by. I have to say, I am really in a good mood, will feel better once the car is paid, but doing fine.